
Friday, December 04, 2009

UK Horizon-Scanning publications 

What's New on the Foresight Website

especially -

Guidance on analysing the future for policy development: The Foresight Horizon Scanning Centre has published a short guide outlining how futures techniques can be used for policy development.View the guidance document.

New scenario guidance published Foresight's new guidance note for policymakers explains the nuts and bolts of a important futures technique called scenario planning.  

Read the guidance

World Trade Scenarios published: The Foresight Horizon Scanning Centre has looked ahead to 2020 to understand how world trade might change. Commissioned by the Government's Trade Policy Unit as part of World Trade Week UK, the scenarios were used to stimulate discussion and debate at the opening conference.
Click here to download the scenarios. (pdf format)

Click below to view the video presentations of the scenarios shown at the World Trade Week UK Conference (on YouTube) Scenarios 1 and 2 (Global Innovation and Global Citizen) Scenarios 3 and 4 (Fragile Alliances and Deglobalisation)

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