Saturday, June 14, 2014
Free online book! Towards Strategic Intelligence – Foresight, Intelligence, and Policy-Making
Towards Strategic Intelligence
– Foresight, Intelligence, and Policy-Making
Author: Tuomo Kuosa
"This book is part of my long-term study on how foresight could better provide policy-
makers with the knowledge they need to make the right decisions. My two earlier books
on the theme,
Practicing Strategic Foresight in Government: Cases of Finland, Singapore
and European Union
The Evolution of Strategic Foresight – Navigating Public Policy Making
are strongly based on versatile country-specific summaries. They also base on
different practitioners’ and policy-makers’ views on the topic, including e.g. interviews
with the former deputy head of Mossad, the vice-chair of the Finnish Parliament’s Com
mittee for the Future, and the deputy director of Singapore’s National Security Coordination Centre (NSCC).
The idea behind this book originates from a discussion with Dr. Matti Saarelainen, Head
of Unit at The Finnish Security Intelligence Service (SUPO), who at the time was the chair
of the Global Futures Forum...."
"This book explores opportunities to enhance strategic intelligence capabilities especially in public policy-making. In most countries and organisations, strategic intelligence does not function as described above. Yet that is how it should function in principle. Keeping intelligence, strategic foresight, and visionary management in separatesilos undermines the policy-makers’ strategic capabilities."